Our Mission

The Proteomics and Metabolomics Facility (PMF) at the Center for Biotechnology was established in 2015 under the leadership of the Director, Dr. Sophie Alvarez and the Assistant Director, Dr. Mike Naldrett to meet ever-increasing needs for a range of technical services using mass spectrometry, including identification and relative quantification of proteins and several advanced methods for profiling and quantitation of small molecules.

The primary aim of the PMF is to provide high-quality service and collaborative work in the fields of Proteomics and Metabolomics to support scientists and students within our University community and around the world. Through this, we strive to advance world-class research, support grant proposals, assist in the education of future scientists, and support economic and scientific advancements. We offer both Full-Service and Self-Service options to meet the unique needs, time requirements, and budgets of our users. Our outreach and education program includes workshops, seminars, and courses.

For customers wishing to submit samples or schedule time on an instrument, please first review our Policies and Procedures Manual then refer to the appropriate section of our website, either the Full Services or Self Services tab, for more detailed information.