Service Fees


A portion of Internal Users rate for single cell work will be subsidized throughout Fiscal Year 2025.

Service Internal UsersExternal Academic UsersIndustry Users
single-cell RNA-seq1 sample$2,850$3,100$3,350
(per sample)2 to 4 samples$2,610$2,860$3,110
 >5 samples$2,450$2,700$2,950
single-cell ATAC-seq1 sample$2,500$2,750$3,000
(per sample)2 to 4 samples$2,300$2,550$2,800
 >5 samples$2,100$2,350$2,600
single-cell Multiome-seq1 sample$2,894$3,640$4,368
(per sample)2 to 4 samples$2,592$3,260$3,912
 >5 samples$2,425$3,050$3,660
Bioanalyzer DNA chip1 to 11 samples$90$110$150
Bioanalyzer RNA chip1 to 11 samples$90$110$150
Qubitper sample$5$8$10