Cancellations/Missed Appointments – Users who have scheduled time may cancel up to 24 hours in advance of their start time. If users do not show up for a scheduled appointment or cancel within 24 hours of the appointment, they will be billed $100.

Late Arrivals – The billing time will start at the beginning of the scheduled appointment. Users will be billed $30 per hour of delay

Radioactive Materials – Radiolabeled samples are not permitted in the Core Facility.

Acknowledgments – Please acknowledge the Single Cell Genomics Core Facility in any grant application or publication in which equipment and/or staff expertise was provided. Also, please send the Core Facility Director a copy of accepted publications containing data generated in the facility.

Biosafety – To decrease possible infection risk to Core Facility staff and lab users, we require that all samples be described before analysis so appropriate handling and containment can be implemented.