CryoEM Workshop
Lectures/Demonstration May 20 & 21, 2024
Hands-On Training May 22, 23, or 24
Registration is now closed
$100.00 per person for lecture/demo. $50.00 additional for hands-on training day.
NCIBC is sponsoring the first ~6 CIBC students for the hands-on training.
Deadline to register is May 15th or until full.
This two-day workshop on CryoEM and Negative Stain is designed for Graduate Students, Postdocs, and Faculty who want to learn the basics of room-temperature electron microscopy and Cryo-Electron microscopy. CryoEM is a rapidly growing technique used in structural biology, small molecule, and protein crystallography. Additionally, an optional daylong hands-on experience will be offered for ten participants on a first-come, first-served basis to learn both negative stain and CryoEM methods.
Workshop is sponsored by: The Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular Communication (NCIBC), Thermo Fisher, and The Nebraska Center for Biotechnology
The Workshop will include (Limited to 15 attendants):
| The Hands-on part will include (Limited to 10 participants):NCIBC is sponsoring (FREE) the first ~6 CIBC students for the hands-on training.
Preliminary Schedules
May 20th - Lecture Day, Beadle Center E1069:00 am - Arrival and pick-up of registration badge | May 21st - Demo Day Beadle & Morrison Centers9:00 am- 12:00 pm - Group 1 (Negative stain), Group 2 (CryoEM)
| May 22nd - 24th - Optional Training Day~9:00 am- 5:00 pm - Lunch on own Participants can bring their own sample to run.
Please contact CryoEM Director, Eduardo Romero Camacho ( or Admin Associate, Kaitlin Bachle ( if you have questions or concerns.