
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Bioinformatics Core Research Facility (BCRF) is located in the Beadle Center at the east side of the City Campus. The Core offers education, analysis, and computational services in the area of bioinformatics and computational biology.

We provide various standard bioinformatics services (listed under Service Fees) with a quick turnaround time and very reasonable fees.

Besides the listed services for fees, we also:

  • Help with preparing for and writing of grant proposals that include life sciences related computation or analyses. Free if the BCRF is included in the grant.
  • Collaborate on larger projects and grants (please talk to us first to request a quote)
  • Custom-program solutions (Python, Perl, R) for something simple as conversion or integration of data files, or on the other end of the spectrum develop and program solutions for large-scale analyses (billed per hour)
  • Give lectures in bioinformatics topics
  • Install and maintain, in collaboration with the Holland Computing Center, up to date software and databases in the Life Sciences (specifically bioinformatics) domain.
  • Provide support for bioinformatics software & analyses on the Holland Computing Cluster. This support is free for up to 3 hours per year per faculty.
  • Host (web) servers and research database-drives web sites (e.g. species specific genome browsers).

The Bioinformatics Core Research Facility receives funding support from the Nebraska Research Initiative (NRI), the Program of Excellence in Computational Sciences, and the NIH via the Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular Communication (NCIBC).