About the Center


3d model of molecules

The Nebraska Center for Biotechnology provides state-of-the-art technologies for research through core facilities, provides training to faculty, students and staff through workshops and short courses, and awards student fellowships and scholarships.

We offer core facilities for Bioinformatics, CryoEM, Flow Cytometry, Microscopy, Proteomics/Metabolomics, and Single Cell Genomics. The activities of the Center are supported by funds from the Nebraska Research Initiative and grants from NSF and NIH. We aim to provide services and training to enhance the research environment and research capabilities at the University of Nebraska and for local and regional businesses. 


For general questions about the Center, please contact the Director:
Daniel Schachtman daniel.schachtman@unl.edu

For specific questions about core facilities contact:
Bioinformatics: Jean-Jack Riethoven – jeanjack@unl.edu

CryoEM: Eduardo Romero – eduardo.romero@unl.edu

Flow Cytometry : Dirk Anderson – dirk.anderson@unl.edu

Microscopy: Joe Zhou – yzhou2@unl.edu

Proteomics & Metabolomics: Sophie Alvarez – salvarez@unl.edu

Single Cell Genomics : Dirk Anderson – dirk.anderson@unl.ed